
The Carolina Lakes Clubhouse is located at 91 Clubhouse Drive, Sanford, NC 27332. It is available for rental by Carolina Lakes Property Owners and Sanctioned Clubs by calling 919-499-9122.  The Clubhouse is not available to the public to rent. The Carolina Lakes Property Owner's Association office is also located in the Clubhouse.
Directions from the gate:
  • Proceed through gate and turn left on Carolina Way
  • Follow Carolina Way approximately 2 miles until you reach the entrance for Captain's Harbour
  • Turn right onto Captains Harbour
  • Clubhouse will be located on the left
Property Owners may click here for documents needed to rent the Clubhouse.  
Clubhouse can be rented in 6 hr blocks, to include set up and clean up time; 8 am to 2 pm or 3 pm to 9 pm.
Rental fee: $200 usage fee with $1000 deposit. $60 per additional hour beyond the 6 hr block. 
Flag retirement box:  located in the Clubhouse lobby and available during normal business hours. 
The Clubhouse also boasts a small lending library inside as well as a Free Little Library under the Clubhouse portico.  The indoor library is open to residents Monday-Friday 9a-5p (excluding holidays) and the Free Little Library is accessible 24/7.  For our book donation policy, please click here.
New Club House Playground equipment
New Club House Playground equipment
New Club House Playground equipment